The Golden State star went off in the loss and fans are clamoring for him to get some help.
After the loss, Warriors fans were clamoring for the team to get Curry some help.
Ashwin was stunned by what played out – “It is insane that Curry scored 60 points and the Warriors still lost. They desperately need to get him some help, although this season doesn’t feel salvageable for them.”
Adene thinks it’s time for the Warriors to take drastic measures – “Trade Wiggins and Klay, get curry some freaking help.”
Kat can hardly bear to watch the Warriors at this point – “get curry some help i’m SICK”
Dub Nation has stopped arguing against the people saying he needs more help – “i was defending my team for a while now but ima agree with everyone now. Give curry help.”
Rohan is calling it out – “warriors either gotta get Steph some help or figure this out. Cannot have Curry dropping 60 and still losing cuz no one else can score over 17. It’s been ridiculous for a while now.”
Ernesto was shocked – “Curry dropped 60 on 52.9/43.5/100 splits and the Warriors still lost. Get that man some help.”
OG Banks didn’t think Klay helped at all – “Stephen Curry dropped 60 and Klay “2nd Option” Thompson dropped goldene team stronger”